Friday, July 26, 2024

Barley Harvest

Late July in Wyoming is barley harvest season. The grain has looked ready for the last couple weeks, but the kernel still needs time to mature. Coors has been good to the Big Horn Basin, and the farmers in turn, do good for them. 

Today, Luke brought his combine out and Dad got busy threshing. 

Combines have come a long way over the years. Luke has had this guy for a couple seasons now. Makes light work of a field. 

Dad's right at home in a cab surrounded by green. 

The barley has looked good all year and we are just thankful to get it in the bin before foul weather hits. 

When we were kids, we used to shuttle the trucks to the elevator in town and bring them back out. Today, they primarily use semi tractor trailers. 

If you don't want to seed the borrow pit, you better tarp your trailer. 

Every load that comes into the Coors elevator is weighed and tested for protein, moisture, and trash content. This was a 65,000lb load of barley. 

This is quite the facility. It can dump a lot of grain in a hurry. 

Unlike most grain bins, the Coors elevator in Worland is horizontal and dumps off of a conveyor belt from the top. This allows them to mix the year's produce. This is last years crop that they are now shipping down to Golden. 

Looks to be a bumper crop this year. 

Dad's little field went about 120 bushel to the acre. Pretty darn good. 

Done just in time.

So God made a farmer... It really wouldn't be any fun if the necessities in life just appeared in front of us. The more we work for them, the more we appreciate them. The reason I enjoy Coors beer is because of all the goodness that goes into raising the High Country Barley. You can taste the love. Well done, boys. America thanks you. 

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