Friday, August 26, 2022


With the rise of fall, roundup season is starting to emerge. My cowhand is fixing to go back to Spain in a week or so, so I figured we better get the girls moving sooner rather than later. Friday was the day. The plan was to roundup our eight heifers on Raney's place east of Hulett. Move four to Joe's and bring four home. 

Dad always taught me to plan your work and work your plan. With all the steps in mind, we figured we better not burn daylight. After Mass, saddling the horses, and a Maverik Bonfire Burrito, we hit the trail. 

We eventually found the girls hiding in the trees. I kept my eyes on these red ones. They usually lead the pack.

Coming out of John's north pasture isn't easy. It wasn't last year and it wasn't again this year. But we had our gates set and were ready to ranch. The herd broke on us twice, but we rode hard and cut them off at the pass. Eventually, they got the message of who was in charge and cooperated. 

Gerry and Chief get the top-hand award today. They stayed calm and cool and even shut ole red down when she broke free. Couldn't have gotten them without you two. 

Once we got them in the front pasture, it was pretty easy duty to get them in the corral. We jumped the four lights in and hauled them to Joe's place to graze with the herefords for another couple months. The four fats, including the red devils, came home for the last time. 

Not a bad load for a little 6.0 gasser. 

Nothing better than a victory burger and beer from the Gulch. 

The girls are glad to be back home. They have plenty of Kochia to mow down. 

If we want to get 11 cows processed by the first of the year so we can go snowmobiling, we better get started. 

Good ride cowboy, good ride.

It's no fun to ranch alone. Gerry has been my right hand man and I'm not looking forward to loosing him. The fun isn't over though, but it is starting to wind down. I'm super thankful for what we accomplished today. There was a lot of highlights, but source and summit of the day was Mass. We could do nothing without Jesus in the Eucharist. On to the next one...

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