Friday, February 11, 2022

Grand Finale

In Gerry's tour of the wild west, we decided to save the best for last. Worland sits in the heart of the Big Horn Basin and will always be home for me. It produces some of the best beef and beer in the world. So I thought I'd show my buddy around.

The sun just seems to shine a little brighter at the mouth of the Gooseberry. 

One thing Worland is known for is feeding cattle. My brother Luke was on the cutting edge of this in the early 00's. It may look glamorous, but keeping water thawed in the middle of winter is one of many not so easy chores. 

If you decide to sign on the 9 Iron you can camp out in the bunkhouse.

Looks like you'd fit right in.

Next stop was the Coors grain elevator. Worland grows high country barley that's used to craft the finest beer in the world, Coors Light. The barley is harvested in late summer and half of the farmers' contract is brought in then. The other half they store and deliver in February when life is a little slower.

Uncle Scott manages the elevator. He brings a little color wherever he goes. Thanks partner, for helping keep America's spirits light in more ways than one. 

With spring starting to spring, we swung by and picked up this box scraper that we purchased from a local farm sale. She sure fits fine behind our 450. Note to self, don't wear your Sunday hat when hooking up hydraulic lines. 

Looking good, ol' son. There's more than one way to skin a cat. 

It seemed more than fitting that your departure date is on the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. Special thanks to Mom and Dad for their hospitality. I promise to wait at least a month before I come home again. 

And then there's Grandma... You just can't go through town without stopping for cup of coffee and a hug. Sticking close to your grandparents keeps a guy young at heart. 

So long my friend. Sit tall in the saddle and hold your head up high. 

Well, you've seen it all pard. I hope you had as much fun as I did. You're an inspiration. Not many people have the courage and perseverance to follow their heart the way that you do. Searching out some random Catholic priest in Wyoming to show you around the greatest land on earth is something only cowboys do. You've earned your wings; wear that hat with pride. Never give up on your dreams. Your no quit has gotten you this far, let's see where it takes you in the future. Peace partner. 

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Our Lady of Lourdes

 Mary intercedes for us!