Friday, June 11, 2021

Holy Ground

Once a year the Diocese of Cheyenne's presbyterate gathers for a 5 day retreat. This year it was at Terra Sancta (Holy Ground) retreat center in the Black Hills. What a beautiful time to refresh our relationship with the Lord and His call to serve as priests. Today, on the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, I celebrate my 3rd anniversary of ordination to the priesthood. Couldn't be happier. 

There are about 45 active priests in the state of Wyoming and a few retired soldiers that continue to help out. The Diocese of Cheyenne encompasses the 63 million acres of Wyoming as well as all of Yellowstone Park which dips into Montana and Idaho. With the population of the state pushing 600k, the ratio of priests to people is actually quite high compared to other dioceses. Every diocese throughout the world is oversaw by a successor to the Apostles. Ours is Bishop Steven Biegler. 

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