Sunday, January 31, 2021

St. Joe's Pool Hall

On new year's eve Fr. Brian Hess asked me what we are doing with the basement of the rectory. "Nothing," I said. To which he suggested that we should use it to host young adult events and the like. I took his admonition and ran. So Saturday evening was the debut of St. Joe's Pool Hall.

The basic idea is to create an environment where we can share our life in Christ in a casual setting

The basement needed work so Jared Biegler shared his talents and tools to help get us a bar built

We had some old office furniture that made a fine fit for repurposing

Looks like the kids found it functional. Well done Ol' son. 

You can't have a pool hall without a pool table. God provided us with this lovely American Heritage table through the generosity of Linda Wegher.

Our first night out we held a Theology on Tap. Your's truly presented on the subject matter: The Three Transcendentals - Truth, Goodness, and Beauty.

But William stole the show with his rendition of Margaritaville 

I'm excited about the potential of our holy pool hall. Today was Theo on Tap, tomorrow we'll see. One thing is for certain, when Christ is at our center, life rocks. Peace. 

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