Saturday, June 29, 2024

Catholic Cowboy

When Bishop Steven assigned me to Buffalo, he asked that I not run any cattle in order to focus on being a pastor. Though that's tough news, I respect where he's coming from and I heed his advice. Like I've always  said, I'm Catholic before I'm cowboy. 

There's been a lot of good memories in this trailer, too many to count. 

I've spent the past months doling out last year’s meat to share holders. We have fed a lot of people out of this freezer. 

69 notches on my scabbard. 

We've split a lot of cows with this sawsall. Made some tasty T-bones too.

Kind of a humbling sight. I guess everybody needs a beak once in awhile. Rest well, guys. 

On to the next one. 

Cutting meat put Fr. Bryce on the map. Not that this was ever my intention. But any attention that I've gotten throughout the Church and in the media has all stemmed from here. My attitude is one of gratitude. When the Lord asks us to let something go, the tendency is to cry about the loss. Instead, I choose to focus on the gift it was. By doing so, I'm able to thank God for the blessing this operation has been in my life and the life of the Church. The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. Why? Ask Job. What I do know is that God has big plans for all of us. All we have to do is trust Jesus and follow Him into the unknown. I hope to cut meat again. How and when, God only knows. What I do know is that I'm Buffalo bound. What awaits me there... guess we'll find out. Let's ranch.


  1. Good bless and keep you. In August I'll be passing through Buffalo, and time allowing, I'll stop by and say hello and seek your blessing.

  2. The sacrifices sacrifices of humanity are all guided by God that we must trust Jesus his sacred heart and he knows our heart better than we know ourselves in that respect life never stays the same it always changes and always looking to Christ knowing that he guides our path we can be assured that he has goodness for us in the future wishing you the best in Buffalo God guides we trust him



Store up grace in Heaven.