Wednesday, May 15, 2024

John Paul II

One of the funnest aspects of being around St. Matthews in Gillette is our St. John Paul II Catholic School. Such great folks and such great memories. Every year I like to bring Chief by to say hi, and this time they surprised me with some creative farewells. 

The three amigos: Mr. Paul Casey, Fr. Bryce Lungren, & Mr. Tony Schamber. Good bunch. It's been a great run, boys. Thanks for the friendship. 

In honor of this farewell visit, Tony had some shirts made up for myself, the teachers, and all the students. A lot of great symbolism going on here. Love it!

Usually I pull up on my bike and Ms.Vanessa Gemar and I welcome the students and shoot the breeze. Today we surprised the kids with Chief. 

Afterwards, all the different classes, pre-k thru 6th, came and got their picture with us.  

At the end, we got one big all-class and teacher photo. Definitely one for the books. 

To top off their farewell surprise they gave me a specially embroidered two sided vest. So good. Y'all be good and have fun!

How great. My involvement with the school has been a win win. No doubt it's good for the kids to be around a priest who is also a man. But, boy have they inspired me. Such sincere faith. Once a week I'd rotate through the classrooms listening to the kids and answering their questions. No duplicity there! These kids truly love God and want to know more about Him. St. John Paul II Catholic School has done an exceptional job in instilling this wonder in them. Keep up the Good work! 

Special thanks to all the teachers and staff, both past and present, who have gone out of their way to support and encourage me over the years. I'm going to miss you. But that's the beauty of the Church. We are never far apart. Our memories remain deep in our heart. And if we take time to thank God for them, they come back alive. That's Eternal Ranching, 24/8 !

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