Saturday, December 17, 2022

Sale Barn

There comes a time in every butcher's life when he's just done cutting for the year. Such was the case for this Catholic Cowboy. This spring we had picked up three more cows than usual. Well, come the end of the year, that looked like two too many. With a freezer full of meat already and the first of the year creeping up, we loaded the last two girls up and hauled them to the barn in Buffalo. 

The Buffalo sales ring now has sales on Saturday. So we hauled the load in on Friday afternoon. 

These are the last two girls. Smaller than then others but still finished out nice. 

They seemed to be happy with their new home.

Not bad.

No harm no foul. It's nice to have options. I still have two cows looking at me in the cooler. Once we get them cut up... then it's snowmobile season! 

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