Sunday, July 31, 2022

Mission Montana

It was time that Gerry saw other parts of the US. So we headed north to Montana. With a wedding to preside at in Absarokee at the end of the week, we decided to make a run through western Montana, visit some friends, and see some sights. 

Just the three of us: Me, Gerry, and White Horse

After dinner in Bozeman with a couple buddies, our first stop was Helena to see Uncle Pud. 

We just wanted to relax but he put us to work changing water, moving fence, and oiling the racks on his '35 for the parade. 

We did get to take his new old Mercury for a spin though.

Go west young man, but only after a ranch breakfast in Avon. 

We stopped at Legendary Lodge in the Seeley Lake area to visit some friends. Beautiful.

Polson to see Fr. Kevin was Wednesday night's destination. Super fun, chill evening. Thanks for the steak, cigar, and whiskey partner. Keep up the Good work.

Glacier Park didn't let us in easily, but we kicked a little and made it. Super beautiful and fun time fishing. Fish won.

On to the next one... Great Falls to visit some more friends. 

Eventually we landed in Absarokee. With a little time on our hands, Gerry tried his hand on the Rosebud River near Fishtail. 

This time he won. Six fish he says, though no one was there to confirm or deny. 

Mission accomplished. 

Great fun. Congratulations to Tobias and Kaycee Cortner. We enjoyed the wedding and parties surrounding it. Thanks for the excuse to run through Montana. 1750 miles later and we're back where we started. Montana is beautiful. But hard to beat the dry, dusty prairies of Wyoming. 

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