Sunday, May 8, 2022

Cowboy Ride

Saturday was the kickoff to the branding season. I hate setting the bar so high right out the gate, but that's life. Paul and Seamus Casey invited me up to the Marchant Ranch outside of Aladdin to ride and wrestle. Super fun. Could have done without getting up at 3am though.

Seamus stole the show with his calf whispering skills.

Here must be why they call this area Oak Creek. Scrub oaks are hard to ride through. Pretty common in NE WY. 

Pretty typical round up. Nothing too exciting except for loosing my phone on the prairie. Thanks St. Anthony. 

Hitching post. 

Cody was ready to rope. He put on a good clinic. 

Wrestling calves is more about finesse than brute strength. 

Paul in an acrobatic brander. He can get right down on a calf's level if need be. 

There's just no pretty way to castrate a calf. 

Three amigos

Just Ranchin  

Seamus leaves for the Air Force Academy in a month or so. We'll miss him, but a man's got to follow his heart. Just don't forget where you came from ol' son. Sit tall in the saddle and hold your head up high. God speed. 


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